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Protect Your Investment with American West Realty

Protect Your Investment with American West Realty

Protect your P.I.T.S. (Property, Income, Time, and Sanity) with a Professional Property Manager

Investing in real estate can be rewarding, but it can also present some serious challenges. It takes a certain personality, a wide variety of skills, and a lot of time to stay on top of the law, the market, maintenance, and other requirements.

As a professional Property Management company, American West Realty and Management is prepared to offer invaluable support to protect your property, income, time, and sanity (P.I.T.S.). Let’s take a look at just some of the ways we can safeguard these crucial aspects of your investment.

P: Property

Your rental property is a significant investment, and maintaining its condition is paramount. A professional property manager ensures that your property remains in excellent shape through:

  • Tenant Screening: We screen nearly 1000 applications per year. Our team knows what to check for and how to avoid scams. We select the best applicants that are more likely to pay on time and care for your property. This dramatically reduces your risk of losses and increases your chances of a healthy return.

  • Regular Inspections: Routine inspections help identify and address maintenance issues before they turn into a costly repair. It also helps us catch bad tenant behavior before it escalates into a larger problem. Property managers conduct these inspections thoroughly, ensuring all aspects of the property are checked.

  • Maintenance Coordination: Property managers have established relationships with reliable contractors and service providers. This means timely and quality repairs, ensuring your property remains in top condition. A well-maintained property attracts better tenants that pay a higher rent rate and stay longer. If you ever decide to sell, the property will be positioned to demand the best price.

I: Income

Securing a steady rental income is the primary goal for any landlord. A strong income ensures you have funds available to maintain the property, which attracts better tenants that pay a higher rent rate. A property manager protects your income through:

  • Market Analysis: American West Realty studies the market every day, ensuring your rental rates are competitive and profitable. This helps in attracting and retaining quality tenants.

  • Rent Collection: Our property managers enforce lease agreements and handle rent collection diligently. We treat tenants equally, fairly, and firmly. This reduces the risk of late payments and ensures a consistent cash flow.

  • Legal Compliance: We stay current on local and state laws, as well as national trends, ensuring your rental practices comply with all regulations. This minimizes the risk of legal disputes and potential fines.

T: Time

Managing rental properties can be incredibly time-consuming. A property manager saves you valuable time by:

  • Handling Emergencies: Property managers are the first point of contact for tenants, especially in emergencies. This protects you from those late-night calls about a clogged toilet or loss of heat.

  • Managing Tenants: From lease agreements to tenant disputes, American West Realty handles all aspects of tenant management. We rarely have to ask for Landlord advice because we have the experience necessary to act in your best interest without bothering you.

  • Marketing and Vacancies: We handle advertising, showing the property, and screening potential tenants. This speeds up the process of filling vacancies, reducing the time your property remains unoccupied.

S: Sanity

The stress of managing rental properties can take a toll on your mental well-being. A property manager helps maintain your sanity by:

  • Expertise and Experience: American West Realty brings expertise and experience to the table, handling complex situations with ease. While other landlords around the country struggled to deal with COVID and the various changes that came with it, we remained proactive to ensure owners were paid, tenants stayed in place, inspections continued, etc. Our ability to handle unique situations alleviates the stress of dealing with unfamiliar issues on your own.

  • Conflict Resolution: Property managers are skilled in resolving conflicts between tenants and landlords, tenants and neighbors, etc. Our intervention ensures disputes are handled professionally and calmly. 

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that a professional is taking care of your property and tenants gives you peace of mind. You can rest easy, knowing your investment is in good hands. 99% of the time, you won't even know there was a problem!


A professional property manager is more than just a convenience; they are a vital asset in protecting your property, income, time, and sanity. By handling the day-to-day challenges of rental management, American West Realty and Management allows you to reap the benefits of your investment without the associated stress. If you’re a landlord looking to enhance your real estate investing business, consider partnering with American West Realty and Management and let us protect your P.I.T.S.

For landlords seeking reliable and experienced property management services, consider American West Realty and Management. Our team of professionals is dedicated to protecting your investment and ensuring your rental experience is seamless and profitable. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.
